Sinochem International has been fully implementing the Sinochem FORUS management system, building a global-standard HSE management system which incorporates Sinochem International’s particular requirements, and establishing 578 HSE best practices using the “Four Standards” management system.
The company has formulated various regulatory mechanisms covering areas such as Health, safety and environmental protection management regulations, HSE accountability management measures, and Life-saving instruction management measures. The company has created a HSE Committee which is responsible for coordinating key events in HSE management as well as a Health, Safety and Environment Sub-Committee under the Sustainable Development Executive Committee which is responsible for promoting safety production, occupational health, and environmental protection. HSE committee meetings are held on a quarterly basis to resolve and decide upon HSE strategic decision-making and performance; monthly HSE reports follow up on the implementation of major HSE initiatives and key KPI indicators within the different business units; the HSE information platform and energy conservation and ecological environmental protection statistics system provide a dynamic grasp of operating conditions on a daily basis and triggers HSE risk warnings to ensure safety and control.
In 2022, the company successfully passed the "three-in-one" QMS-EMS-OHSAS review and achieved the "Four Zeroes" goal for six years in a row.

Measures for Better HSE Management in 2022
Revision of System Procedures
● Improved, revised and added 95 HSE system items, while subsidiaries have revised and improved 1,325 HSE items
● Organized the participation of frontline employees in the revision of the Standard Operation Sheet (SOS) and the careful examination and organizing of our HSE system through the JCC (Job Cycle Check), as well as completed the sorting and revision of 876 SOPs for 362 positions
Building Professional Workforce
● 360-degree pre-appointment HSE assessment and safety disclosure for general manager candidates were carried out at subsidiaries, with unqualified candidates based on HSE assessment disqualified
● Appointed 138 Safety Managers covering all factors in HSE system at various levels, including 56 Senior Safety Managers
● Training program on the new Work Safety Law
Building up the “Five-Star” Program Enhancing Operational Discipline
● “Five-star Plant/PLUS” program has been carried out in combination with the introduction of HSE best practices, organized cross checks and “pulse-taking” checks, cross audit, exchange learning, and tutorship on 69 occasions
● Established 6 audit teams to conduct Five-Star Plant/PLUS audits/acceptance
Enhancing Operational Discipline
● Established various mechanisms designed to prevent violations, promoted OD (Operational Discipline) partnership events, and the unsafe behavior discovery rate decreased by 56.86%
● Organized subsidiaries to prepare a list of company-level typical “three violation” behavior, clarifying the list of OD red lines and general violations, and taken punitive measures against 223 employees who violated OD red lines
● Strengthened the enforcement of life-critical clauses, with a total of 2 staffs from subsidiaries, 42 contractors and 125 contractor employees dismissed or expelled breaching said clauses